Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My first week at Zaman University.

            My first time at Zaman University was on 12th Tuesday, October, 2011. This  time was very important to me, because I needed to get some information from this  university. When I first came to this University, I was very interested and excited, but I was a little bit scared too, because I thought I was a  new student and I did not know about the University’s rules, especially I had never known anyone in the university before. However, surreal; it was different from my thinking. All of teachers and all students in the university were very friendly and kind. They explained all things that related with Zaman University to me. My favorite subject is the Integrated Main Course, because I truly want to be the best in academic English. I think that I’m a lucky guy because I have the chance to study the skill that I want, and especially I meet a lot of  professors with a qualify at teaching. I hope that to be successful in my major and become a brilliant student.

This is the photo on parents meeting day.

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