Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Pchum Ben Festival

Pjom  Ben   is  the biggest  festival  in  Cambodia, and all Cambodian obey this festival very much.  This festival celebrates for 15 days every year. During that 15 days, all Cambodian can relax from their works or study and have more holiday time. During these times they usually go to a pagoda in order to bring some foods, drinks, fruits, or some things that they want for monks. Moreover, in these 15 days they celebrate one party called ‘’ Bors Bay Ben’’. It means throw rice that combine with fruit, flower, water, or perfume to the place they that near the pagoda. They celebrated this party because they want to give some foods to their relatives that have died for a long time ago, or sometimes for other dead people who have no relatives to celebrate for. In each pagoda have a lot of people, they are very happy to follow Khmer traditional.  

 ''This video shows about activities that Cambodians do in the pagoda''. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Khmer New Year

       ( This is a picture when Cambodian go to the pagoda )
            Khmer New Year is a traditional new year day in Cambodia. It celebrates in April or sometimes in March depending on a day in the calendar of each year. It always celebrates 3 days in a year. During these 3 days, all Cambodian always go to the pagoda and bring some foods for monk. They can go not only in the morning, but also in the afternoon, as well. Some people like to go to the pagoda in the afternoon, while some of them usually go to the pagoda in the morning. Moreover, in the afternoon and evening they prefer to play popular games or go for a walk instead. On Khmer New Year many people who live in towns or places which are very far from the capital city, they often come and visit the capital city because on that day in the capital city is very happy and has a lot of fun activities to do. In contrast, many people who live in the capital city prefer to go to their hometown or visit another cities or provinces instead. Because they think that they live in the capital city every day so it’s just the same activities and not so interesting for them, while people who live in another province think that it’s really interesting. All Cambodian really love this traditional holiday and they always enjoy their holiday on that day.                                                                                                                               

This is a video of Cambodian go to the pagoda and play some fun activities.

Please Keep Watching It!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Best Way to Solve the Worldwide Problem of Plastic Bags

          In the whole world right now is facing a problem with the using of plastic bags. People in all over the world use a lot of plastic bags in a day. After  they  use  these  bags,  they  throw  them  away on  the  road. Plastic bags made from petroleum. Moreover, one difficult is plastic bags are not biodegradable. This is a reason that causes a serious global problem. This is a big problem in the world, so in what way that we can find to solve this problem? These are some solutions to solve this problem. First, we should use paper shopping bags which are biodegradable and eco-friendly instead. Second, reuse plastic bags by not accepting new ones in the store anymore.  Then, recycle plastic bags in many creative ways. For instance, it cans create like the tote bag, renew it as a pouch, or remake it as wallet. Moreover, several grocery stores are also collecting plastic bags for recycling. There are also recycling programs in various areas in which you can learn how to recycle. Finally, turn to biodegradable plastic bags.  Biodegradable plastics are widely accepted and available to conserve energy and solve pollution problems. These plastics are commonly used for food bags, and shopping bags.  Because they can easily decompose, they are not posing risks to the environment (from Academic Connection 1 book and Internet).

 ( This is a video of plastic bags in the ocean and atmosphere)

 (This is a video of plastic bags recycling in Kenya)

Please enjoy watching these two videos!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Lovely Pet

            I like pet. Especially, dogs. In my house has a lot of dogs. My dogs have different kinds of each other. Some dogs are small, big, short, and tall. Moreover, their body hair colors are not the same too. Some dogs have black body hair; some have white, some have brown, and some dogs have a mix color body hair. When I see all of my dogs, I never feel lonely, bored, or tired. However, I always happy when I  see all of them. They are very smart, lovely, and they have a good behave. For example, when I am eating something they never sit near me. However, when I am alone and do not do or eat anything they always come and play with me. On the other hand, sometime they do a terrible thing too. Sometime they defecate in the house and make the house messy. When they do like that I’m very angry, and I want to hit them, but when I want to hit them, they always run away from me. Sometime they make a putrid smell in the house, but I think animals do not know and understand everything like us as a human, so they cannot do everything perfectly as we need. However, I still love them because when I play with all of them, I feel very happy and never feel lonely.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My first week at Zaman University.

            My first time at Zaman University was on 12th Tuesday, October, 2011. This  time was very important to me, because I needed to get some information from this  university. When I first came to this University, I was very interested and excited, but I was a little bit scared too, because I thought I was a  new student and I did not know about the University’s rules, especially I had never known anyone in the university before. However, surreal; it was different from my thinking. All of teachers and all students in the university were very friendly and kind. They explained all things that related with Zaman University to me. My favorite subject is the Integrated Main Course, because I truly want to be the best in academic English. I think that I’m a lucky guy because I have the chance to study the skill that I want, and especially I meet a lot of  professors with a qualify at teaching. I hope that to be successful in my major and become a brilliant student.

This is the photo on parents meeting day.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Micheal Jackson

Michael Joseph Jackson or also known as Michael Joe Jackson was born in August 29,  1958 in Gary, India. He is the King of Pop. In his family has ten sons and daughters, and he is the eighth son in his family. He has a lot of jobs. For instance, he is a singer-songwriter, a record producer, a composer, a musician, a dancer, a choreographer, an actor, a businessman, and he is also a philanthropist.  He is an intelligent person because he cans do a lot of jobs in the same time. For one of his job (music) he has a lot genre, there are R&B, pop, rock, soul, dance, new jack swing, funk, and disco. Moreover, he has a lot of CD collections, some of which are beautiful song. He has never gotten failure in his career because some of his relative’s jobs are related to the music or related to his job also, so they always help him. However, one of his failures to his life is his death. He died in June 25, 2009 (aged 50), in Los Angeles, California in The United State. Moreover, his families have not known why he died yet.

This is one of his famous songs " You are not alone ".