Saturday, November 26, 2011

My department information & Business software reviewed

Information about my department
            I am study at Zaman University (, and my major is Business Administration. Business Administration Department can play a lot of roles in a real society such as challenging in economics and management, work in the administration of local and foreigner private sectors, manage an own business ect…After I graduated from Business Administration major, I can get many jobs  such as a business man, business consultant, a staff or manager in business companies. You can learn more about this department by following this link ( Moreover, you can download the brochure of this department from this link ( Also there are many software used by business people such as WorkTime, Express Invoice, and Small Business Trends etc…

Reviewing Business Application Software
Reviewing Application Software: WorkTime
           Type: Shareware

           WorkTime is software that can track or tells you about how many time you have spent on doing something, and it can collect any different activities that you have done on your computer. For instance, when you activate or start using your computer, and click start on its button of a WorkTime software, a clock begins to tick, and drops down menus for you to differentiate your time among separate projects or activities. After all, when you have done your activities, it will report a window showcases everything on your computer. Plus, you can also view your productivity three different ways such as through the calendar, a spreadsheet-like grid, or a bar chart.
           Moreover, by using this WorkTime software, you will find many different reports looking at overall data analysis, program utilization, and how long you focused on a specific project. However, it can make your computer a little bit slow, because it runs all the time you turn on your computer (when you click start on it). Also, you can have only 30 day for using this program after you have installed it, because this program is 30-day trial period.

·         It tells you what you have done on your computer
·         It gives you details about how you spend your time on the computer
·         It helps you to manage your time
·         It can balance your time and your work
·         It´s easy to use
·         It makes your computer a little bit slow
·         It is not automatically start to track your time or project, unless you click on its start button. Therefore, if you forget to click start on it, it won´t help anything to you
·         It´s a trial version

            I just downloaded this software and installed it to my laptop, so I´m not sure about how it works yet. Plus, I just started to test it, and it´s easy to use. I will try to test it more and more later. The reason I choose to use this software is that I am a student, I can´t manage my time well. As a result, I need it to help me in order to manage my time properly. Moreover, as long as I´m a student, I have a lot of subjects to study, plenty of assignments to do, and other works to be finished every single day. Therefore, I really need it because it might help me to manage my time with all of my works easily. Also, it can track all my activities on my laptop, as well.

Rating: 3 star (Description: star pictureDescription: star pictureDescription: star pictureDescription: star pictureDescription: star picture)

Review Application Software: Express Invoice
            Type: Freeware

            Epress Invoice is software for creating invoices and managing bills for small businesses. It´s simple, helpful, easy to use, and it´s a good program for business people. For example, it can help people to easily keep their eyes on finances. Especially, it´s very good for sellers, it can help them to calculate and keep their money income-outcome constantly.
            Express Invoice also provide simple functions such as create a quotes or forms which are similar to invoices. Plus, it can record the payments that we have spent, as well. This program is very good and easy to use because it doesn´t cost money, and it doesn´t  require permission before downloaded and installed.

·         Free downloaded
·         Helpful
·         Useful
·         Easy to use
·         None

            This software seems so helpful to me in my future career because as I want to run my own business in the future, I might need this kind of software. For instance, it can help me to create an invoice, and calculate my payments and income with my invoice bills that I have spent and earned. However, I haven´t tested it yet, but I will get used to it more and more in my future business.

Rating: 4 star (Description: star pictureDescription: star pictureDescription: star pictureDescription: star pictureDescription: star picture)

Review Application Software:  Small Business Trends
            Type: Web Application

            Small Business Trends is not a type of software, while it is a type of web site or web application. It is very useful and helpful the same as software, because it has a lot of strategies of running a business, and a lot of details from many experts. In this site it has 101 categories for business people to follow. For instance, there are business development, email marketing, online sales, presentation, billing and accountanting, hiring and team building, etc…
            This web application is very easy to use because it tells us all details that relate to business. Plus, it doesn´t cost money, we can ask questions, and share our ideas in this site, and we can do more research about business in this site, as well. Moreover, it is a reliable web site.

·         Helpful
·         Reliable
·         Useful
·         Improves the business eductation
·         Free to join
·         None

            When I first saw this web application, I found it useful and helpful for me because it provides a lot of information about business strategies. Plus, I can practice few stuffs that I know from this website such as I can try to create a team building, and get an online education etc…Moreover, if I have something that I don’t understand, I can easily ask questions in this site and people will respond for my questions kindly. Also, I can share my views that relate to a business, as well. At the end, as I study Business Administration as my major, I will keep using this stuff for my future career.

Rating: 5 star (Description: star pictureDescription: star pictureDescription: star pictureDescription: star pictureDescription: star picture)


  1. Is the Calendar's WorkTime program has an alert feature?

  2. Firstly, I would like to ask you some questions about those software. Can software installed in Mac IOS? Are you sure that there is no virus come with software? After reading your review, I feel that those software might be useful for me in the future if I have a job. In my opinion, I think those application software are specialized on business major and business career.

  3. For WorkTime, is it helpful for businessmen?

  4. Nice software, but i don't really understand what is WorkTime use for? Hopefully, it can help Business student as me.

  5. Can you explan me more about how easy to use Express Invoice software.
