Wednesday, May 25, 2011


         Dog is an animal, which are adorable, clean, and smart. According to my research there are many breeds of dog, but my favorite breed is German Shepherd Dog. This dog is originated from Germany, and it is a herding dog. Usually, this dog is raised by wealthy people and polices as it is a police dog. The advantage of this dog is that it is smarter than the other dog; and it is also good at guarding the house. For example, when it sees someone or something strange it will give us a clue such as it will bark to that person or thing. Especially, it is loyal to its owner, and it does always follow its owner. Also, it is important for police’s work such as solve a criminal because it has a good sense of smell. Moreover, it is an intelligent dog that is why police need it. However, this dog also has some disadvantage too. For example, sometimes it can be aggressive to the stranger. In addition, it is an almost high maintenance pet. For instance, the equipments of the dogs are very expensive such as, shampoo, chain, food, and place. In summary, this dog is very popular for police and some of wealthy people due to some of its advantages.               

  This is the video of a German Shepherd Dog. To see this video please Click Here!

1 comment:

  1. It's sound so good for me.Because, i am a person that like dog also. All kind of animals i always like and love to them because they are clever they can make me happy when i have problem and also boring. your favorite dog is the same to me because it is the dog that my family raised since i was young. he is really clever when we didn't stay at home he can guarding my home. when he hungry he always come to me.Everybody that stay near my home always afraid of him because he is a big dog. but it doesn't mean that he is a cruel dog. Unfortunately, he was died by illness 5 years ago. but i still remember, love, and miss him so much.
