Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Zaman University

          Zaman University is one famous university in Cambodia and it has just opened this year. This university was founded in 2010 by Mr. Ali Kokten, who is the chairman of Zaman International School. Moreover, the rector of Zaman University is Dr. Erkan POLATDEMIR, and the director Dr. Kenan KAPUKAYA. Also, it has a lot of qualify professors and staffs, such as Mr. James Strong, Mr. Terrence Joseph Mallon, and Mr. Lance Michael Chase etc... This university was created to help Cambodia with sharing the best education to Cambodian as to raise the standard education, also to produce an excellent pool of human resource that will definitely contribute to the development of Cambodia (Zaman University).  In addition, this university will provides the high quality education same as other international universities around the world to all students in Zaman University. Especially this university also provides scholarship for outstanding students who are not having enough money to pay for school fee. In summary, Zaman University is the best university in providing education to student. 

Here is a video of Zaman University ( Please enjoy watching it )

Monday, May 30, 2011

Bayon Temple

Bayon  temple is a popular temple in Cambodia.  Because  it  was  made  by  Cambodians  without  using  any  machines,  and  they  used  only  stones  to  build  this  temple.  The  importance  of  this  temple  is  that  it  has  a  lot  of  meanings  in Cambodia’s  culture. Bayon temple is the spectacular central temple of the ancient city of Angkor Thom. This temple is located to the North of the famous Angkor Wat temple. This temple was designed with many towers and on the top of the tower it has 4 giant stone faces. One facing outward, and keeping watches at each compass point. This wants to show the power of King JayavarmanVII that he was the only one person, but he can control everything in Cambodia. That is why he built this temple with the 4 giant stone faces. Bayon  temple  is  the  good  place  to  visit.  It is a touristy place. This temple has views with Angkor wat temple, being the favorite monument of visitors. The Bayon temple is in Angkor Tom and it’s the second most important monument to visit in Siem  Reap after Angkor wat .  It is amazing with its design, architecture and decoration. The temple is simple magnificent. Of course, magnitude wise less than Angkor Wat. It is famous of its giant stone faces.  Moreover, it is a touristy and good place to visit. If you visit this place you will know that it’s related to Khmer's history and beliefs. It shows about  how Khmer people are great and be able to build that kind of monument. Everybody is wondering about it. In addition, many tourists come to Cambodia to visit and see it with their own eyes; they enjoy doing some research about this temple and be surprised. However, the surrounding and the tall towers make Bayon temple a bit dark flat near sunrise and sunset. So it’s the best way to visit Bayon temple when there is a plenty of  light, and that time is at 10 A.M to around 4 P.M which most visitors prefer to go. To  sum  up,  Bayon  temple  is  the  best  temple  in  Cambodia  after  Angkor  Wat  temple.  It’s an interesting temple in Cambodia, and this temple is really important for Cambodia’s culture.

                               ( This is the video of Bayon Temple)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Starbuck Coffee ( Latte )


           Starbucks coffee is the famous branch name of the coffee shop in the world and it is also the largest coffeehouse company in the world. Starbucks sell drip brewed coffee; espresso based hot drinks, other hot and cold drinks coffee beans etc... This company has made so many kinds of coffee drinks such as Latte, Mocha, and Cappuccino. Throughout of these three kinds of the coffee drinks, Latte is one of the famous coffee drinks. A latte is come from the Italian word ‘’caffe latte or caffelatte ‘’ it means ‘’coffee and milk’’ the word is also sometimes incorrectly spelled. It made with espresso and steamed milk. Also, caffe latte has a stronger coffee flavor, and it has two kinds of latte drinks. They are hot latte ( warm drinks ) and cold latte     ( cold drinks with ice ). It tastes is really nice, and it is also a really sweet drinks. After you drink or taste it you will find it tastes so sweet, and you will be unforgettable about it taste.

                                   ( These are some picture of the Starbucks coffee drinks )

                                            ( This is the video of the Starbucks coffee shop )


         Dog is an animal, which are adorable, clean, and smart. According to my research there are many breeds of dog, but my favorite breed is German Shepherd Dog. This dog is originated from Germany, and it is a herding dog. Usually, this dog is raised by wealthy people and polices as it is a police dog. The advantage of this dog is that it is smarter than the other dog; and it is also good at guarding the house. For example, when it sees someone or something strange it will give us a clue such as it will bark to that person or thing. Especially, it is loyal to its owner, and it does always follow its owner. Also, it is important for police’s work such as solve a criminal because it has a good sense of smell. Moreover, it is an intelligent dog that is why police need it. However, this dog also has some disadvantage too. For example, sometimes it can be aggressive to the stranger. In addition, it is an almost high maintenance pet. For instance, the equipments of the dogs are very expensive such as, shampoo, chain, food, and place. In summary, this dog is very popular for police and some of wealthy people due to some of its advantages.               

  This is the video of a German Shepherd Dog. To see this video please Click Here!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

World of Warcraft

( This is the character selection )
          World of Warcraft is one kind of popular online game for some teenagers in most part of the world. This game has 2 parties-Alliance and Horde, which are enemy to each other. Player cans choose to be a part of Horde or Alliance according to their preference. When they choose to be alliance,the player cans choose their races including Human, Dwarf, Night elf, Gnome, Draenei. However, when they choose to be horde, the player cans choose their races including Roc, Undead, Tauren, Troll, and Blood elf. In conclusion, this game is an enjoyable and educational game where people can choose to be any mythological creatures.

(This is the video about Introduction to World of Warcraft)