Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Starbuck Coffee ( Latte )


           Starbucks coffee is the famous branch name of the coffee shop in the world and it is also the largest coffeehouse company in the world. Starbucks sell drip brewed coffee; espresso based hot drinks, other hot and cold drinks coffee beans etc... This company has made so many kinds of coffee drinks such as Latte, Mocha, and Cappuccino. Throughout of these three kinds of the coffee drinks, Latte is one of the famous coffee drinks. A latte is come from the Italian word ‘’caffe latte or caffelatte ‘’ it means ‘’coffee and milk’’ the word is also sometimes incorrectly spelled. It made with espresso and steamed milk. Also, caffe latte has a stronger coffee flavor, and it has two kinds of latte drinks. They are hot latte ( warm drinks ) and cold latte     ( cold drinks with ice ). It tastes is really nice, and it is also a really sweet drinks. After you drink or taste it you will find it tastes so sweet, and you will be unforgettable about it taste.

                                   ( These are some picture of the Starbucks coffee drinks )

                                            ( This is the video of the Starbucks coffee shop )

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